Anna's Angels Poker Run

Dell Rapids City Park (Hartford, Emery, Ethan, Mitchell, Alexandria)

Registration 10:00AM-12:00PM

*Meal and drawings to follow last stop Top 3 hands win

100% of proceeds benefit Klock Family Anna's parents are Jarod and Angie

Anna's Story Anna Grace Klock, 22 months old, was diagnosed in August, 2009 with an extremely rare and aggressive form of pediatric brain cancer. Anna has already had a tumor surgically removed and now has a very tough fight ahead of her. She has started intensive, systemic chemotherapy and will likely have to follow with radiation, stem cell replacement and additional chemo. Each treatment will require a 4-5 day hospital stay. In order for her mom to provide Anna the best possible care, along with her other 3 children, she will discontinue working. This will leave the familiy with one income..the Klocks need our help!

Any further questions contact: Kari Hammer @ 605-999-4570 or Karen Mannie @ 605-270-1791.

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