Izaak Walton League Serving Meals Jamboree Weekend

Izaak Walton Club House

The Madison Izaak Walton League will be serving meals at the Clubhouse on the north side of Lake Herman during Prairie Village Days as follows:

Thursday evening, Aug. 23 starting at 5:00p.m. a pork loin sandwich supper with beans, chips, and bars. Serving will continue until the pork loin is gone, so come early.

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday mornings starting at 7:30a.m. a pancake breakfast with sausages, juice, & coffee.

Friday and Saturday evenings 5:00p.m. steak and fish feed with baked potato, a variety of salads, and cake.

Come and enjoy!! All proceeds benefit the Izaak Walton Conservation programs, youth outdoor events, DSU Scholarship fund, as well as other league programs.

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