Coffee With A Cop

2nd Street Diner

On Wednesday,April 3nd from 7am to 9am Police Chief Chuck Pulford and another officer, in cooperation with Shari Eliason, of 2nd Street Diner will host the first “Coffee With A Cop.” Shari has graciously offered to supply the coffee for this event.

Have you ever wanted to ask an officer a question but didn’t want to stop at City Hall or call. This is an informal event and an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions or perhaps voice a concern to the Officer and Chief.

Its important to us, The Madison Police Department, to maintain and develop strong relationships with the community we serve. Members of the public will be able to discuss whatever they would like in a comfortable and inviting setting. We would like to continue the “Coffee With A Cop” sessions on the first Wednesday of each month.

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