All You can Eat Belgian Waffles Hosted by The Spirit of Madison Band

Madison High School Cafeteria

The Spirit of Madison Band invites you to All You can Eat Belgian Waffles; also serving sausages, flavored syrups, and beverages.

Sunday, January 24, 2016 at the Madison High School Cafeteria. Please enter through the new gym doors on the north side of the high school.

__Serving from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.__.

Advance tickets available from any MHS band member.


Adults 12 years and up: $8 in advance or $10 at the door
Children 6 years to 11 years: $5 in advance or $6 at the door
Children 5 years and younger: FREE
Carry outs are available at the same price as eating in.

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