46th Annual Rocky Mountain Oyster and Ham Feed Children’s Care Hospital & School Benefit Sponsored By East River Electric

Nicky's Restaurant

In the spirit of East River Electric Power Cooperative’s commitment to community, the organization will once again hold its Rocky Mountain Oyster and Ham Feed to benefit the Children’s Care Hospital & School (CCHS). The public is encouraged to attend the 46th annual event.

Sponsored by East River employees, the benefit takes place Thursday, March 25, 2010 at Nicky’s in Madison. Serving will begin at 5:30 p.m.

For $10, attendees will receive one meal ticket and five chances to win door prizes. A silent auction will also be held with many businesses and individuals donating items. All proceeds go to support CCHS. Jessica Wells, Director of Development for CCHS, is grateful for East River’s long standing dedication in helping to raise funds for children.

“East River Electric Cooperative and the Madison community have a long tradition of generosity to Children’s Care Hospital & School.

For the last 46 years, the support of the Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed and the dedication of so many caring people have helped bring therapy and education services to children with special needs in their homes, daycare centers, and schools in the Madison area,” she said. “Events like these give children a chance to work with the challenges in their lives to be as independent and fulfilled as possible.” Contributions from the event totaled $6,500 last year.

East River Employee Committee Chairperson Maria Pedersen says that Cooperative personnel are proud to continue this meaningful tradition. “Each year, our employees passionately step forward to organize the Children’s Care Hospital and School Benefit with the goal of helping children receive these valuable services which also include camp fees, recreation, technology and in-service training,” she said.

Over the past year, Children's Care Hospital & School served 26 children from the Madison community.

East River Electric Power Cooperative is a wholesale electric power supply cooperative serving 24 rural electric cooperatives and one municipally-owned electric system, which in turn serve more than 92,000 homes and businesses and over 250,000 consumers. Our 36,000 square mile service area covers the rural areas of 41 counties in eastern South Dakota and nine counties in western Minnesota.

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