Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature

SD Capitol Building/Ramkota, Pierre, SD

Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature – Tuesday January 22 all day event – Plan to attend this important event with others from Madison.

The GMACC Governmental Affairs Committee and DSU invite you to make the trip on this important day for Madison’s future and to get to know others in Madison throughout the day.

The day’s events include SD Legislative Committee meetings, visiting SD Legislators, luncheon with District 8 Legislators, Meeting with Governor Daugaard, presentations from Secretary Hagen of Dept of Tourism and Commissioner of Economic Development Pat Costello plus others, Capitol building tour, and an evening reception with all SD Legislators host by Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature.

Cost is $60.00 for the day including a ride on the motor coach to Pierre. Meals only = $25.00 each.

Please contact us at the Chamber for more information and to register and reserve a place for the day. or 256-2454.

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