Spring Fun Fest Madison Country Club - 2013 Spring Kick Off -Everyone Welcome

Madison Country Club

1st Annual Madison Country Club SPRING FUN FEST --- Saturday May 11, 2013

Start the 2013 season with Golf, Food and Entertainment!

  • Open Invitation to All: Members, Guests, General Public.

  • Come and Experience “Where Madison Comes to Play”


Registration 1:00 – 1:45pm

*Golf: 2:00pm - 7:00pm (shotgun start 2:00pm)

Dinner and Social Hour: 7:00 – 8:00pm @ MCC Clubhouse

Entertainment: 8:00pm – 11:00pm @ MCC Clubhouse

*Golf event format will be 2-person teams, 18 holes with 2:00pm shotgun start. Teams select to play in either a “scramble” OR “best ball” division as follows:

Fun Fest Golf Tournament Formats/Divisions:

A. 2-Person “Maximum Fun Scramble Division”: both partners tee off at each hole, select best tee shot to use, then both play their 2nd shot from that same location. Repeat this pattern for every shot and putt until holed out. Record total strokes for each hole as the team’s score for each hole (this is a Scramble format, fun for any skill level from beginner on up).

B. 2-Person “Real Golfer Wannabe Best Ball Division”: both partners play all of their own shots from tee to green for each hole. The lowest of the two partners’ scores is recorded as the team’s score for each hole (also called Best Ball format. Recommended for Tiger & Phil’s team, and for some of you hotdogs with handicaps lower than 30).

Cost Includes: Golf, Cart, 2 Mulligans per Player, Meal, Prizes and Entertainment $60/player or $120/team if form & payment returned by May 5 entry deadline

Late Entries: After May 5, cost will be $70/player or $140/team.

1st Annual Madison Country Club SPRING FUN FEST --- Saturday May 11, 2013 REGISTRATION FORM Single Registrants Welcomed – we will pair you up with partner! Cost includes Golf, Cart, 2 Mulligans per Player, Meal, Prizes, and Entertainment Before May 5th Entry Deadline: $60/player or $120/team Late Entries After May 5th: $70/player or $140/team. Team Player #1 Team Player #2 Name Phone email *M,G,V Amt. $ $

  • Please indicate M, G, or V for Member, Guest, or Visitor Team Division (Please circle one) Fun/Scramble Hot Dog/Best Ball Team Total: $______________________ Golf Cart Needed ? ___ Yes ___ No Extra Dinner/Social tickets only (non-golfing guest) ___ @ $20 each = $__________ Total Enclosed $ _________________________________________________ Please circle payment method: Check(s) enclosed Credit Card Name on Card __________________________________________ Exp Date ____________________________ Sec. code _________ If you would like to be paired with another team for golf, please list name(s):

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