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DSU Honored

The Dakota State University Foundation has received a Gold Award of Excellence in Fundraising Videos and DVDs at the annual Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)conference.

The conference was held in Kansas City Missouri last week. The video, DSU 2.0 the Capital Campaign, was produced by Insight Marketing of Sioux Falls and is given to alumni, donors and friends of the university as part of the campaign fund raising effort.

There were nine entries in the category with DSU being awarded the gold.

Kansas State University Foundation took the grand gold, Baker University Foundation took silver and Iowa State University Foundation took the bronze.

CASE is the professional organization of advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications, fundraising, marketing and other areas.

The conference brings together advancement representatives from an eight-state region including Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.