DSU Students Very Satisfied With College Experience
Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2009
DSU Students are very satisfied with their college experience according to the 2008 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory. The survey is an evaluation of the academic programs and services at campuses across the nation. The survey measures students satisfaction with a wide range of college experiences, programs, and services.
Carrie Ahern is in charge of assessments at DSU. She says the survey provides information on how satisfied students are with DSU and what is most important to them.
DSU's ratings are compared to over $100,000 students from four-year public universities around the country.
DSU students average satisfaction ratings were significantly higher than the national averages in all twelve areas including: concern for the individual, instructional effectiveness, campus life, academic advising and campus support services.
Dakota State students have participated in the web-based survey since 2000.