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Child Support Help

He is still waiting for the Governor to sign it, but Senator Russ Olson was successful this year in his effort to find a way to enforce child-support orders involving self-employed non-custodial parents.

Under Olson's bill if a non-custodial parent is late making an ordered payment; ten days or more or pays less than 90% of what is ordered 3 times in a 12-month period, a judge can impose an additional fee of 10% of what is ordered or $50.00, whichever is more.

Olson says he thinks the new law will help a lot of South Dakotans.

Normally if necessary a non-custodial parent who is under a court order to pay child support and doesn't, can have wages garnished to get the payments made.

The problem Olson says is that isn't done in the case of self-employed non-custodial parents.