4240E Skid Loader for United Way
Posted on Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lake County International and Gehl Company of Madison are donating a new Gehl 4240E Skid Loader to be raffled off by the Interlakes Area United Way.
Only 400 tickets will be sold at $100 each and go on sale May 15th.
Outlets include Dakota Ethanol, Lake County International and KJAM.
Online tickets will also be available at KJAMradio.com by clicking on the United Way Skid Steer Giveaway link.
The Gehl skid steer winner will be announced on July 30th at the Annual Dakota Ethanol Golf Tournament and need not be present to win.
Dakota Ethanol of Wentworth has also pledged an amount toward matching funds.
All money raised through the raffle will be in addition to the fall campaign.
The Board is looking for additional funds for the 2010 campaign anticipating that nonprofit agencies will require additional assistance because of the economic situation.
Thirty-seven non-profit agencies receive funds from Interlakes Area United Way in Lake, Miner and Moody counties.