Madison Police Department Hosts National Night Out Tonight
Posted on Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tonight is the 26th annual National Night Out. National Night Out is a crime and drug prevention event held in over 15,000 communities and in all 50 states. The event is held during the Madison City Wide Picnic, food serving begins at 5:00PM today at Madison's Library Park.
The park will be home to more than just food tonight. There will be entertainment beginning at 6:00PM. Entertainment will include demonstrations by Search and Rescue, face painting, the D.A.R.E. Train, and the National Guard inflatable. Also Project 8 will be on hand to inspect and properly install children's car seats. Car seats will also be available for families in need.
National Night Out was created in 1984 by The National Association of Town Watch, a nonprofit crime prevention group. The evening is an effort to heighten awareness and participation in local anti-crime efforts, and for communities to promote police-community partnerships. Over 35,000,000 people took part nationally last year.