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DSU Names Outstanding Alumni

Six outstanding alumni will be honored by the Dakota State University Alumni Association this Saturday, during the Trojan Days homecoming celebration.

Those to be honored as Outstanding Young Alumni are Molly and Chad Knutson. The couple, who live in Madison, graduated in 2005, and 2004 respectively. Molly Knutson is a Health, Safety, and Environmental Manager for Valero Renewable fuels in Aurora. Chad Knutson is the Vice President of Secure Banking Solutions of Madison.

Susan Collignon-Hodgen, and Dr. Jay Trenhaile will be honored for Outstanding Professional Achievement. Collignon-Hodgen is a 1997 DSU graduate, and is currently the Director of Information Technology Project Management for Avera Health Systems in Sioux Falls. She was also named the Sioux Empire United Way volunteer of the Year.

Dr. Trenhaile is a 1986 graduate of Dakota State, and is currently Professor and Department Head of the Counseling and Human resource Development at SDSU. He also is currently the Acting Assistant dean of the College of Education.

Finally, DSU will honor Stacy DeCorsey, and Jon Gonsor as Outstanding Educators. DeCorsey graduated from DSU in 1993, She is Principal of the Jordan Minnesota elementary School, and was recently named Minnesota's National Distinguished Principal.

Jon Gonsor, who graduated in 1979, has been a teacher at Pierre Riggs High School for the last 23 years, and has served as the program chair for the National Science Teachers Association Convention.

All honorees were nominated by their peers, and will join over 80 alumni as DSU Outstanding Alumni.