Local News

City Commission Meets - 2nd Street Street Lights Coming Soon

The Street lights will be coming back soon to Highway 2nd Street in Madison. On Monday, the Madison City Commission heard the first reading of Resolution 2727, for replacing existing City owned street lights along Highway 34, AKA 2nd Street. The Resolution asks the State to assume part of the cost of replacement of all lights from Washington to Highland Avenue. The state will now have to include the project in its STIP plan, but city leaders have been assured that the lighting project will be a high priority. In the meantime, the city will put up temporary lighting within the next several weeks to light portions of the Highway that have had corroded poles removed.

The City Commission also amended an agreement with DGR-engineering services for the 2010 alley improvement project, and acknowledged the minutes of the Madison Recreation Committee. The Rec. Committee will be holding an open house on Tuesday October 20th from 6 to 7:30pm, at the fire house, to review and hear ideas on a proposed recreation trail to Lake Herman.

Also Public Works Director Heath VonEye announced that Madison has received The South Dakota Solid Wast management Associations “Local Champion Award”, for upgrades made to the City Recycling Center.