Madison City Commission Meets Tonight
Posted on Monday, November 23, 2009
The Madison City Commission will meet tonight at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall and will discuss:
the addition of a wind energy ordinance to city zoning regulations
a tax abatement for Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
water quality monitoring and a permit request to occupy city right-of-way
DENR Discharge Monitoring Report
The commission will also:
hold the first readings for ordinances 1485 and 1489 for a zoning amendment and water abandonment
hold the second reading for ordinances 1486 and 1487, which establish new electric and water rates
authorize the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding with 1022 partners
review city website usage reports
approve personnel items
hear resolution 2734-2010, which sets step and grade and management schedule
declare a Model 530 manure spreader as surplus equipment