Sewer Vent Safety - Keep stacks clear of snow and ice
Posted on Tuesday, February 1, 2011
With all of this snow and wind blowing please make sure to check your sewer pipe (stack vent) to insure that it is not covered up on your roof.
Sewer gas is vented by stack vents typically on the top of a home or building. Sewer gas can build up in a home or business and is dangerous as it is explosive and nasty bacteria and virus’ attached to the microscopic particles that float within the gas. When inhaled, people and pets can become significantly ill from a variety of diseases.
Stack vents are supposed to have free flowing air through them 24 hours a day, not only for sewer gas release, but also to supply oxygen for the bacteria that feed on the waste stuck on the interior walls of the pipes. This keeps the walls clean and prevents blockage. The free flow of air also helps toilets to flush better and waste pipes to drain faster without chugging or gurgling. If your toilets do not seem to flush properly, or if your drains chug or gurgle, you should inspect the vents on the roof.
Pouring water down basement drains and sinks that are not used often is also a good idea to keep dangerous gases from coming up into your home.
Help your neighbors and look out your window for theirs also.