Local News

Safety Reminder Issued for Joggers

As warmer weather makes its way into the area, the Madison Police Department would like to share a few tips and encourage all runners to have a safe, enjoyable running experience.

Whether it’s a busy schedule or a preference to run in low-light conditions, more and more people are sharing the roads with vehicular traffic in low-light conditions. In this regard, our greatest concern is the health and safety of all citizens. Please take a moment to look over the information below and, as always, be safe out there!

  • CHOOSE A WELL-LIT ROUTE: Routes with good lighting are always safer than routes with little or no light. Oncoming cars and trucks see you better. Additionally, it’s easier for you to spot potential hazards (such as potholes, cracks in sidewalks, bumps, or debris on the ground) along the way.

  • ENSURE YOU ARE VISIBLE TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC: Whether running at night or during the dawn/dusk hours, make sure you wear reflective gear or light colored clothing. Many varieties of running shoes and jackets come with reflective material already sewn in. It doesn’t hurt, though, to add a reflective vest or stripe to make sure you will be seen by motorists, especially in the early morning hours as folks are driving to work with cups of hot coffee in hand, listening to the radio or otherwise distracted.

  • ALWAYS RUN AGAINST TRAFFIC: It’s easier for you to avoid vehicular traffic if you can see them coming.

  • DON’T ASSUME DRIVERS SEE YOU OR WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT OF WAY: Again, remember that many drivers may not be paying attention to obstacles in or near the roadway. Cell phones, car stereos, even books and newspapers, sometimes get more driver attention than what’s in the path ahead. Whenever possible, make eye contact with drivers at street crossings before entering intersections, crosswalks, etc. Better yet, attempt to stay off roads and out of traffic lanes as much as you can. Consider using sidewalks where available.

  • LIMIT YOUR OWN DISTRACTIONS AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS: If you’re one of the many MP3 player or iPod owners who enjoy listening to music while running, keep the volume at a level where it doesn’t interfere with your ability to hear oncoming motor vehicle traffic. Be on the lookout for dogs running at large or any other potential threats to your safety.

  • ALWAYS HAVE IDENTIFICATION ON YOU: Take your driver’s license or another form of ID card with you. If you have a medical condition or allergy to any medication, wear a medical ID tag or bracelet with an emergency contact number on it. Some carry this information, along with their medical insurance card and a cell phone, in one of the many types of belts or armband pouches/pockets designed specifically for runners.

  • RUN WITH A BUDDY: There is safety in numbers. If you must run alone, be sure to let someone know where you will be running and approximately how long you expect to be gone.

Article Provided By Chuck Pulford