Local News

Gov. Daugaard Appoints Mike McDowell To The Transportation Commission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, Aug. 29, 2011 CONTACT: Tony Venhuizen or Joe Kafka at 605-773-3212

PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard has appointed Mike McDowell of Madison to the South Dakota Transportation Commission.

McDowell is General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Heartland Consumers Power District.

“Mike will be a great addition to the Transportation Commission,” Gov. Daugaard said. “He has an incredible amount of business experience, and his level-headed approach to challenges is a perfect fit on the commission.”

McDowell succeeds John Kranz of Mitchell, who resigned from the commission in July. Kranz had served on the panel since 2005.

The nine-member Transportation Commission determines South Dakota’s road construction priorities and advises the state Department of Transportation on overall transportation needs.

Article Provided By: State News Web