City Of Madison Snow Removal Regulations
Posted on Thursday, December 1, 2011
Emergency Snow Routes: The Emergency Snow Routes are listed below. These routes have been determined by the City as a priority for snow removal for emergency travel. No parking is allowed at any time on the Emergency Snow Routes in a snow event over 2”, or during a Snow Emergency Alert.
Commercial Core Area: The Commercial Core Area is that area of the city including and bounded by Second Street North on the north, Washington Avenue on the east, Second Street South on the south, and Blanche Avenue on the west. This area includes municipal parking lots. It is the city’s policy to blade, windrow, load and haul from this area.
NW 9th Street from Highland Ave east to Division Ave NW 2nd Street from West City Limits to Summit Ave NE 3rd Street from Summit Ave to Airport Rd SW 1st Street from Highland Ave east to Blanche Ave S SW 4th Street from Highland Ave east to Division Ave Highland Ave from NW 9th Street to SW 4th Street Union Ave from 9th Street N to 10th Street S Egan Ave from 9th Street N to 2nd Street N Egan Ave from 2nd Street S to 10th Street S Washington Ave from 11th Street N to 10th Street S Prairie Ave from 9th Street N south to 3rd Street N Division Ave from 9th Street N to 4th Street S Lee Ave from NE 9th Street to NE 8th Street NE 8th Street from Prairie Ave to Roosevelt Ave SW 7th Street from Highland Ave to Union Ave SE 3rd Street from Egan Ave to Washington Ave S
Snow Emergency Alerts Whenever snow, sleet, or freezing rain will create conditions causing potential dangerous driving conditions, a Snow Emergency Alert shall be called which makes it necessary that the parking of motor vehicles on all streets will be restricted or prohibited. Restrictions and prohibitions will become effective not less then two (2) hours after such announcement of Snow Alerts.
During a Snow Emergency Alert: ? NO PARKING anytime on any designated City street or alley, including Emergency Snow Routes, until they have been cleared. ? There is NO PARKING from 2 AM to 6 AM in the commercial Core Area.
ARE YOU AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING CITY ORDINANCES SEC. 18-106. Any owner of any vehicle remaining on any street or alley after the Snow Emergency Alert has gone into effect shall be notified with a Police Department 24-hour warning sticker placed on the vehicle. After the 24-hour warning period has passed, any vehicle remaining upon the City street or alley is subject to a twenty-five dollar ($25) parking ticket and the vehicle will be towed. (Ord.No.1239, 01-13-97; Ord. NO. 1323, 11-12-02)
SEC. 18-114. It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, or operator of a business, apartment, mobile home park, parking lot, or other vacant space to blade, push, plow, blow, shovel or deposit the snow from said area into the public street in any manner that would hamper pedestrian or vehicle travel and/or onto a public boulevard right-of-way in any manner that could create as sight obstruction by unduly impairing visibility at any intersection or that would effectively block street signage. (Ord. No. 1239, 01-13-97; Ord. No. 1323, 11-12-02)
SEC. 18-115. City policy shall be not to remove snow deposits left by snowplows at private driveways, mailboxes or vehicle delivery, and fire hydrants. Property owners are responsible for clearing snow as deemed necessary near mailboxes and fire hydrants located in the boulevard areas, City policy will be to eventually return and clear and widen streets to near the curb line as much as practical after the snow emergency had been terminated. Widening operations may unfortunately produce blocked/plugged drive-way conditions for property owner/tenants. (Ord. No. 1239, 01-13-97; Ord. No. 1323, 11-12-02)
SEC. 18-74. The property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk shall dispose of accumulated snow and keep such sidewalk free from snow and such owner, tenant or person in possession shall within twelve (12) hours after any fall of snow, and before 9:00 AM of the next day, if the snow occurs after 12:01 a.m. of the day, or if such fall of snow should occur the preceding day, remove the snow from so much of said sidewalk shall adjoin the premises owned or occupied by them. (Code 1953, 12.0501; Ord. No. 780, 2-18-75; Ord. No. 1131, 04-20-92)
Residential Plowing Schedule Once the Emergency Snow Routes and Commercial Core Area streets have been cleared, it shall be the City policy to begin plowing residential areas on an odd-even basis. On odd numbered days, north/south streets will be plowed first then moving on to the east/west avenues. On even numbered days, east/west avenues will be plowed first followed by north/south streets.. Plowing operations will continue until all streets have been cleared.
All Snow Emergency Alerts will be posted online at as well as reported to: local television channels; KELO, KDLT, and KSFY FOR AUTOMATED SNOW ALERT INFORMATION CALL: 256-SNOW (7669) OR CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE AT 256-7515