Local News

City of Madison Mosquito Control Update

Human cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) have been reported in Lake County by the SD Department of Health. WNV is spread to humans by mosquitoes. The City of Madison has a comprehensive plan to help control mosquito populations. Mosquito populations are down at the present time, but the type of mosquitoes that are around late summer and fall are the type that is known to carry disease. Spring mosquitoes are mainly flood water mosquitoes which usually do not carry disease. Citywide spraying of adult mosquitoes has been done by the Madison City Park Staff almost weekly this season. As of August 14, 2012 we have sprayed 8 times. We have put larvacide into catch basins on the streets and in standing water throughout town where mosquito larva is found.

Ways to prevent mosquito bites are to wear protective clothing and mosquito repellant. Reducing standing water will reduce breeding areas. The City of Madison helped in this area by collecting tires during citywide cleanup. To assist in reducing mosquitoes, empty bucks, tarps, pools, birdbaths, and other water holding objects on your property weekly.

For current information on WNV, he South Dakota Department of Health website is: