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Kristie Olson Honored as Marketing/Business Teacher of the Year

At the August South Dakota Career and Technical Education Confer-ence in Pierre, Kristie Olson, Business Teacher at Madison High School, was honored as the Mel Beemer Memorial Marketing and Business Teacher of the Year. This honor is bestowed on a South Dakota teacher yearly because of their dedication and commitment to Business and Marketing Education.

Kristie has been a teacher at MHS for 14 years. She graduated from Dakota State University in 1985 and again in 1990 with two different degrees. For the past seven years, Kristie has served as the secretary for the SD Association of Career and Technical Education Division of Business/Marketing/Information Technology. Currently, she is serving as the President of the SD Future Business Leaders of American (FBLA) Board of Directors. She is also the MHS Yearbook Advisor, FBLA Advisor, and coaches Middle School volleyball.

Before Kristie entered the classroom, she also served at the Sales Tax Auditor for the SD Department of Revenue, the Parish Coordinator at Trinity Luther Church, and as an Adult Basic Education instructor and Employment Counselor for the Madison Career Learning Center. Kristie’s family includes husband, Steve, and children, Aaron, Andy, Aric, and Austin. Congratulations to Mrs. Olson!!!!

Information Provided By: The Madison Bulldog Bulletin