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Lake County Food Pantry Accepting Donations

During the summer months children are home for all of their meals, and there are families in need of assistance to keep their children well fed. Those families can seek out that help at the Lake County Food Pantry.

The Lake County Food Pantry is accepting donations and below is a list of some of the most popular items of need, in no particular order:

*-Canned fruit *- Boxed Meals, Hamburger Helpers are great *- Toilet Paper (not covered by food stamps) *- Laundry Detergent (not covered by food stamps) *- Mac n Cheese Boxes *- Spaghetti Sauce and pasta *- Juice *- Peanut Butter *- Breakfast Cereal

*Items they currently have plenty of or can’t accept:

- Canned Veggies (they currently have an abundance of green beans, kidney, black, red & lima beans) - Soup (they currently have an abundance of all cream soups, tomato and chicken noodle) *- At this time they cannot take fresh veggies, potatoes or any homemade items

You can drop off your donations at the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday-Thursdays from 8am to Noon and Fridays from 8am to 11am. Any organization wanting to start a food drive, please contact a member of the Lake County Food Pantry.