Busy Commission Meeting Last Night
Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Madison City Commission meet in regular session Monday evening. The commission acknowledged the December investment report, and approved the specification of a new vehicle for the Public Works Department.
The commission went into board of adjustment, to hear the request of Mike McGowan to construct a building with 12 foot side walls. According to City Engineer Chad Comes, the overall height of the building would be 18 feet. 15 feet is allowed by city ordnance. Commissioner Dan Bohl made a motion to approve the request, it was seconded by Commissioner Jerry Johnson. The motion failed by a vote of 3 to 1.
Commissioners discussed sending a letter from the city to District 8 legislators, over Senate Bill 151. Don Marker, general manager of Sioux Valley energy, voiced a concern over the letter. Marker says the bill would not limit municipalities ability to annex land, but rather close what power cooperative say is a loop hole that allows municipalities to abuse the power of annexation on bare ground land. Marker says the bill is based on fairness and equity for all utility types.
The Commission approved sending the letter on a vote of 3 to 0, with commissioner Nordberg abstaining.
Senate Bill 151 is scheduled for a committee hearing on Wednesday.
The City Commission will meet again next Monday at 5:30pm.