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SD Renewable Energy Looking to Energize

South Dakota's budding renewable energy industry is looking for ways to "energize." Experts are gathering in Sioux Falls this weekend for the South Dakota Climate Conference to address the problems brought on by global warming. A major topic will be an energy title in the Federal Farm Bill that would encourage renewable energy. Andy Olsen with the Environmental Law and Policy Center says that clean energy programs are hanging in the balance with the next Farm Bill. They're hopeful Congress will approve one billion dollars a year for alternative energy development - something South Dakota can be a major player in.

Olsen says renewables are attractive to South Dakota economically, but there's also strong public concern about reducing fossil fuel pollution.

Olsen says the climate conference is an important event for the state because South Dakota stands to be a big renewable energy winner. He says approving a good energy title in the Farm Bill would give the nation five years of effective Federal energy policy that would steer the country on a path of clean air technology.