Local News

City Commisson holds Weekly Meeting

The Madison City Commission held their weekly meeting last night at City Hall. At last night's meeting the commission discussed a request from Daniel Long to lease a city lot at 704 N Josephine in Madison. He would like use the lot for a garden and fruit trees. The commission authorized the mayor to sign the agreement which would renew on a annual basis with yearly fee of $10.00.

Commissioner Karen Lembcke reported to the commission regarding the meeting of the Lake County 911 board. The 911 board had discussed upgrading the 14-year-old dispatch equipment in the 911 call center. The city agreed to split the cost of the upgrade with the county up to $75,000 dollars. The upgrade to the 911 call center should be done by mid 2009.

The city also acknowledged the minutes and recommendations from the sidewalk committee. The committee recommended finishing 3 sidewalk projects as well as requesting the SD Dept of Transportation to install a pedestrian-activated stop light at the corner of N. Olive Ave and NW 2nd Street anticipating the increase in foot traffic once the new pool opens. City Engineer Chad Comes talked to the Regional Traffic engineer about the possibility of that and said it was improbable.

Comes did go on to say that there is a possibility that the cross walk from Liberty Ave could be moved to Olive Ave but a study on pedestrian traffic would have to be done. The board also approved Resolution 2684 which would establish standards for sidewalks when considering variances and installation. The commission then went into executive session for contract negotiations.