City Commission Tables Round-up Resolution
Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Madison City Commission met in regular session on Monday night in the Commission room at Madison City Hall. The September Planning Commission minutes were acknowledged, as was the August Building permit report, the August investment report, and a transfer of an off-sale malt beverage application from Sullbrett, LLC was also acknowledged. A date of hearing for the transfer application was set for September 29th.
A number of people were on hand to speak in regard to Resolution 2693, the round-up program. The round-up program was enacted in 2003 on a volunteer basis. Those enrolled in the program have their electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar every month. That money is then given to the Madison Central School Foundation. Liz Avery, President of the Madison Central School Education Foundation, spoke in favor of a the new resolution. Under the new resolution, every municipal electric customer would be automatically enrolled in the program beginning with the January 1st 2009. Those funds would be collected by the city and given quarterly to the Madison Central School Education Foundation, for use in scholarships given to Madison High School Graduates attending Dakota State University. Every consumer would have the option to opt out of the program by informing the City Finance officer of their wish to opt out.
While all the members of the Commission expressed their support for the round-up program, and the Madison Central Foundation, several of the Commissioners were concerned about the idea of automatic enrollment. Mayor Hexom, and Commissioners Delzer, and Lembke, said they could not support the automatic enrollment program. Lembke said she would be willing to do more to promote the volunteer sign up program. Delzer, who noted that he does participate in the program, said that residents shouldn't have to read the fine print in their bill to see what the city is charging them for.
The Commission decided to gather more input from the community, and tabled the Resolution until next Monday.
The Commission approved the second reading of the 16.1 million dollar 2009 budget. The Mayor was authorized to sign a reimbursement request with the DENR.
The 2009 sidewalk assessment was discussed. A recommendation was made to create a resolution for the 2009 sidewalk assessment, to install sidewalks near DSU on both sides of NE 8th street from Washington ave to Prairie, and to complete the sidewalk on West ave. from 9th street south to NW 2nd street.
It was decided that a sidewalk should not at this time be completed on Washington ave. from SE 8th street, south to the Highway 34 intersection.
Eight resolutions were approved regarding Plats in the Williams Brothers Addition to the City of Madison.
Bids were reviewed for a recycling bailer and conveyor. The bid was awarded to Apex Equipment, LLC of Mounds Minnesota, for a net bid of $70,950.