Local News

Commission to Vote on Round-Up Program

The Madison City Commission will hold its regular meeting today in the Commission room at Madison City Hall. Members of the Highway 34 for the Future committee will update the Commissioners on the progress of the highway committee.

In old business the Commission will consider Resolution 2693, a resolution to amend the Round-Up program. The Round-Up program was enacted in 2003 on a volunteer basis. Those enrolled in the program have their electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar every month. That money is then given to the Madison Central School Foundation. Under the new resolution, every municipal electric customer would be automatically enrolled in the program beginning January 1st 2009. Those funds would be collected by the city and given quarterly to the Madison Central School Education Foundation, for use in scholarships given to Madison High School Graduates attending Dakota State University. Every consumer would have the option to opt out of the program by informing the City Finance officer of their wish to opt out.

Last week the Commission decided to gather more input from the community, and tabled the Resolution until today.

The Commission will hear the first reading of Ordinance 1465 tonight. That ordinance would change the speed limit on Northwest Ninth Street, from Highway 81 to to West avenue. The new speed limit on that section of road would be 30 miles per hour.

Also tonight, the Commission will review appointments from the Airport board, and will review the bids for new playground equipment. Today's meeting begins at 5:30pm.