Local News

Two Injured While Duck Hunting

Two area men were injured Sunday morning in a duck hunting accident. The Lake County Sheriffs Office says four men were hunting at Wentworth Slough at about 9 a.m. Sunday morning when the accident happened. According to the report James Thompson and Omar El Gayar (GAH-yer)of Madison were on one side of the slough...and Richard Avery of Madison and JasonKassa (KAH-suh) of Brookings were on the other side. The report says two ducks landed on the water and El Gayar (GAH-yer)shot at the ducks on the water. Kassa and Avery were struck by pellets that had richocheted (RIHK-uh-shayd)off the water. Avery and Kassa were transported to the Madison Community Hospital. The information on the case has been turned over to the Department of Game Fish and Parks.