Five Proposed Ordinances on the Agenda
Posted on Monday, November 24, 2008
The Madison City Commission meets this evening at 5:30 at City Hall. The Commission is expected to hold hearings on five proposed ordinances and give them final consideration.
One would set refuse collection fees for two 30-gallon cans at $11.10 per month, for a 65-gallon garbage cart at $10.60 and for a 95-gallon cart at $11.10.
A couple of other ordinances would set would set water and electric rates.
Another would establish emergency snow routes. And yet another proposed ordinance would establish no parking zones in the Lincoln and 8th Street area.
The Commission is expected to authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the City of Sioux Falls for landfill usage.
Also on the agenda for the Commission's consideration is reappointment of Gail Hamman to the Library Board.
The Commission will also set the date for a hearing for the 2009 alcohol license applications.