City Commission Agenda
Posted on Monday, December 29, 2008
The Madison City Commission meets this evening at 5:30 at City Hall.
The Commission will set hearing dates for a couple of alcohol license transfers.
One transfer is from Rumor's Lounge to
Cocktail Grill and another from Happy Hour to Rumor's.
The Commission will hold a hearing on the transfer of an alcohol license from the Elk's Club to the Sportsmen's Lounge.
The Commission is expected to review Chemical Bids and authorize the mayor to sign a change order for the Division Avenue Project.
The Commission will discuss the South Dakota Department of Transportation proposal to convert Highway 34 through Madison into a five-lane street with a center left turn lane.
In new business the Commission is expected to authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the First District Association of Local Governments for zoning updates.
The Commission is expected to authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with DGR Engineering for services for the 2010 Downtown resurfacing and electrical improvements project.
The Commission will also discuss Right-of-Way encroachments on Highway 34.